Thursday, July 9, 2015

I believe that through the power of never fully understanding our existence it has pushed us to try and fully understand other things in life; Such as how to grow a garden or maintain fields of crops. It’s truly a beautiful thing. Through learning how to do something as simple as growing a plant or flower- we’ve taken that same concept, studied our trials and errors, and have provided for hundreds and thousands of people in need by growing substantial amounts of food!

I believe through the power of never fully understanding our existence it has not only pushed us to go big and out of our comfort zones as a species, but has also drawn us in to ask ourselves on a daily basis, “Why am I here?” or “What am I here for?” and because of that question we’ve dug deep within ourselves and find something that satisfies the unexplained void within our hearts. Some become teachers to pass knowledge, shaping future generations. Other’s become doctors, nurses, and firemen to help the community in which we live in.

I believe in the power of never fully understanding because it’s beautiful. It’s curious, it’s adventurous and filled with the unknown. I also fear in my belief. Over the years our curiosity has led us to create weaponry capable of crumbling our fragile earth to pieces. It has led us to artificial intelligence, along with discovering properties of space which will soon enable us to warp time. Not only do I believe in never fully understanding our existence, I also believe in that the closer we are to finding out: who, what, where, and why- The closer we are to the end

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