I'm choosing to write about something that's happened recently. Mrs. A left a comment on my bloom assignment that states, "Be fearless as always and you will learn more than those less motivated." I don't know if it's because I'm a softy at heart or what but this really struck a good nerve.
There are millions of people out there competing on daily basis for what you're after! There are only so many things one can accomplish in order to come closer to their goal before you have to look within in order to expand. When you find yourself at this milestone ask yourself, "Can you grind when you're sick?" "Can you lead the pack?" How far are you willing to go in order to achieve and follow your dreams?
I don't mean to be preacher but these are the things that motivate me. Don't let others and your own doubts get in the way of your dreams. Crush that voice, exceed your expectations and reap the benefits! The only way you can truly accomplish your dreams is to find comfort in being uncomfortable. We are bigger than our bodies and we are much bigger than our own perceptions. Reach for the stars, shoot for the moon, if you miss- you're more than likely to hit another star and hey.. that's pretty cool.
Big shout-out to Mrs. A for being the spark :)
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Friday, July 10, 2015
Earth resembles that of a vast
canvas, filled with endless amounts of beauty. Some of this beauty is rare and
seen by only a few wandering eyes, if any. Other parts of the painting are as
well-known as the Mona Lisa, yet still looked upon as momentous. There are so
many beautiful places upon this planet we humans call Earth. Some may be fond
of mountains; towering land masses protruding from small to great distances
above the ground. Others may be inspired by glaciers; baffled by the dominant
amounts of ice. Out of any place in the whole world, there is no other place
I’d rather be than the ocean.

The painter of this planet
doesn’t get anywhere near the credit they deserve. I call my painter God, and I
try to give him the recognition he’s worthy of for His masterpiece. There are
so many different areas of his painting that I have yet to discover. We are all
mere specks of paint on the huge canvas of earth. The paint is still wet, and
we are free to run where we please. As paint dries, so do our lives. The
ocean is just one place I have drizzled down the canvas and collided with.
There are so many other locations I wish for my speck to come in contact with.
As for now, my heart's content and looks forward to the day I may visit
neighboring oceans. I look forward to my toes burrowing themselves within the
sand, my nostrils deeply inhaling the salty atmosphere, and my eyes gazing upon
one of the most wonderful places God has painted; the Ocean.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
believe that through the power of never fully understanding our existence it
has pushed us to try and fully understand other things in life; Such as how to
grow a garden or maintain fields of crops. It’s truly a beautiful thing.
Through learning how to do something as simple as growing a plant or flower-
we’ve taken that same concept, studied our trials and errors, and have provided
for hundreds and thousands of people in need by growing substantial amounts of
believe through the power of never fully understanding our existence it has not
only pushed us to go big and out of our comfort zones as a species, but has
also drawn us in to ask ourselves on a daily basis, “Why am I here?” or “What
am I here for?” and because of that question we’ve dug deep within ourselves
and find something that satisfies the unexplained void within our hearts. Some
become teachers to pass knowledge, shaping future generations. Other’s become
doctors, nurses, and firemen to help the community in which we live in.
believe in the power of never fully understanding because it’s beautiful. It’s
curious, it’s adventurous and filled with the unknown. I also fear in my
belief. Over the years our curiosity has led us to create weaponry capable of
crumbling our fragile earth to pieces. It has led us to artificial
intelligence, along with discovering properties of space which will soon enable
us to warp time. Not only do I believe in never fully understanding our
existence, I also believe in that the closer we are to finding out: who, what,
where, and why- The closer we are to the end
Recently I was asked, "If all the people around you tell you that you should believe in the "Liberal viewpoint" and that Conservatives are just heartless people (or vice versa), do you think average people could come to embrace one political viewpoint and quietly despise or hate others who feel otherwise? With politics you may not be asked to kill yourself but you may be influenced to dislike others who dare to think differently. Can the power of the situation be strong enough to get us to do that?" For some reason this really got under my skin and I really got to thinking about this.. I feel that if people were in this type of situation they would only be able to stay quiet for so long. With outlets like social media it's too easy for people to come together, share ideas, argue, and influence each other. The democratic and republican parties have been biting each other's necks for the longest and it's only a matter of time before something drastic takes place to reset the country/world. This might not be a perfect example but, with the rebel flag scenario there's been so much talk and exploitation of outlets that companies have had no choice but to react accordingly otherwise they suffer consequences such as loss of money, power, and networking opportunities; Such as the canceling of "The Dukes of Hazard." series. If you were to ask the same question forty-fifty years ago I believe that it would be one the same track as today but on a different scale due to available technology.
Politics is such a broad word. If you look at what's been happening overseas you'll realize that this has been happening for thousands of years. You'll also see that religion plays a big part in politics. If one "political party" doesn't agree with the other then you'll either see economic collapse or bloodshed. The political system is plateauing and I feel that the only way to keep the people at bay is to cycle through the right types of presidents that relatively have the same outlook- maybe a couple different beliefs and complexes here and there to present individuality. For the majority of things- a good portion of people that take time to look into American politics vote according to which president has the same beliefs as the individual. I also feel that personality and the way the presidential candidate sways people has a lot of influence as well as a personable being is a trusting one.
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